THE Johnson Family Webpage |
Craig, Jill, Samantha & Sydney |
Samantha and Sydney are a little young yet to get out and do much hunting, but I have promised Sam that I will take her squirrel hunting this year. Neither Jill or I deer hunted in 2007. I’m not sure why I didn’t buy a deer tag, but when the girls are old enough to go then we will get serious about deer hunting again. The Cabela’s grinder arrived recently so looks like I will be getting a deer tag or two for the 2008 deer season. |
Here’s one of the roosters we got during the 2007 Annual Johnson pheasant hunt. The weather was pretty warm but overall it was a good hunt. |
Jill and I rifle hunted together in 2005 and we doubled our second morning out. It was 14F degrees when we headed out to get in the blind. We had a group of does come right in to use. Jill got her doe first and I got mine seconds after hers. This was Jill’s second year of deer hunting and she was successful both times. |
2002 was a very good year. Sam was born, I got my biggest buck with a bow, and Dad shot this beautiful buck in 8-inches of Kansas snow. This is a hunt that I will never forget! |
Sam has been practicing with her bow. She helps her dad shoot practice arrows at the deer target in the yard. She tells me she can’t wait until she can go hunting! |
December 2006 brought a nice snow during deer season. I couldn’t resist heading out and enjoying a snowy hunt. This nice 8-pt came in and provided the perfect ending to another great hunt. |
Although not really hunting related here’s the “elk” that lives at our place. The January 2005 ice storm coated everything with a thick ice layer. The elk looks very good and adds a nice touch no matter what the season. |
Jill and I shoot at a sporting clays fund raiser each September. The weather was perfect this year and we had an excellent time! Here Jill is loading up for the next round of clays. |
PULL!!! |
No matter how often we shoot sporting clays, it never seems to be enough. |
A few birds from the 2008 Johnson Family Annual Pheasant Hunt. Our bird to mile ratio was a little low this year but we still had a great time getting together with everyone. |
Dad with the birds and the 5 gallon bucket of soy sauce in Buford’s truck!! |
We got a few more birds on Sunday. Still smiling while cleaning birds. I was pretty worn out from carrying Joe’s HUGE quail! |